Thursday, August 28, 2008
Of exam and down
Emotion/s: A lil down for a moment, normal...
Current Song: Stand My Ground by
Within TemptationYesterday's been having a resit exam for java programming. Same old questions, but amazingly all of us weren't prepared for it. Notes? Most of them didn't have it within their keep anymore. I had my notes that time, but I couldn't get myself properly ready for it too. College's bad planning, I guess...We've did our best, so no regrets. Not really our fault anyway (at least for this exam)...Just now I had a chat with one of my friends, and from what we've talked I started to look back upon myself, and realized...I never really have a chance to socialize like other people, as in having fun with friends. LOL to my teenage angst (but I'm no teenager). As a human being I have my own jealousy upon others; having a good life, able to socialize and get to know things outside, meeting new people etc. All I'm having for my life now is just like this:Weekdays: Home >> Out to work >> Go to cc 30% (20% chance on meeting friends) >> Get back home >> Scolded (most of the time) >> Sleep >> Cycle continues...Weekends: Wake up >> Trapped inside house >> Doing chores even though things are super clean >> Get bored >> Get scolded >> 5% of getting out to town, meeting friends etc >> Get back >> Get scolded >> Same old cycle...Well, there are chances of me getting out, but most of the time just alone or with family, which kinda irritating most of the time. Anyway, I have to accept the fact that I'm a "princess" locked inside the prison tower of total restriction rather than living inside a heavenly home where parents and children are happy together. Sigh...But then, I have to realize that there are people out there who shared the same problems like me, or probably worse that mine. Nevermind... to my friends and people out there, you guys should be thankful of your lives. We all have limits on doing everything, guess that the limits I'm having is a lil extraordinary. ~_~ Even going to the office for the sake of doing activities or work there is a problem for me on the weekends. Forbidden for me to go there. Mom said it's all about saving $$ for the normal working days' expenses.I understand that my family is having a hard time on our financial. But nah... even if the problem is over someday... the restrictions will stay. Just wished that I can get out more often, or maybe live outside my house. So far I have never really neglect my responsibility, just doing my best. I do have faults sometimes, being a lil blur & stupid and all. But I'm just human...Even mom grew tired on my dad.........Patience......and as for my dear PingGuo, I miss you a lot. Hope you take care and be happy always.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Tagged // Yesterday's review
Emotion/s: Normal, freezing (cold weather)...
Current Song: Shangri-La by
AngelaDarn Chrissy for tagging me ~_~ Anyway, being tagged so I answer.1. I'm a multi-personality person, kinda schizophrenic :p2. There are only 2 arcade machine that I'll only play; Parapara Paradise & Initial D3. I like vanilla more than chocolate.4. I can't drink coffee because I'll feel nauseatic, except for ice-blended coffee or Dutch Lady milk coffee flavor.5. Comfortable of being alone. Doesn't mind wandering around alone inside shopping complex.6. I love to write poems and stories. ^^7. Can sleep even in extreme conditions such as in hot afternoon, and can get myself talking in my dreams.8. I suck at maths, and trust me school kids are lots more clever than me.9. I'm quite a lazy person :p10. I like to clean the house alone at times.11. I can easily remember people more than facts inside textbook.12. I'm a peaceful person. >.<13. I don't smoke or drink. =D14. I love to watch old-school cartoons and anime like Saber Rider, Dinosaucers, Jayce & the Wheeled Warriors etc.15. I love to eat mushrooms. XD16. My favourite villain is Chancelor Palpatine a.k.a the Emperor from Star Wars sagaOkay.... whoever read this post consider yourself tagged.Anyway, yesterday I went to Sogo buying a new jeans because my older one was torn... and Diesel Jeans ROCKS!!! Then I went to the arcade (what else do you expect though... =.="). Mom bought special chinese tea to relieve my sinus attack, and so far it works. Thank God for creating such tea plant though. >.<Love my mom. <33 She cares though... and yes, we all took the tea daily. ^^Sorry ya dear PingGuo I couldn't message you yesterday my credit wasn't enough. Sorry for making you worried >.< Next time I'll inform you 1st okay? Miss you. <3
Monday, August 11, 2008
Of fever and Rogue movie review
Emotion/s: Tired with a hint of fever...
Current Song: True To Your Heart by
98 Degrees
Yesterday I watched this movie about an oversized croc terrorizing a bunch of tourists on a boat, lead them stuck within its territory in the middle of nowhere in the Australian outback. Well, so far this movie is quite better than Lake Placid. I dunno why, but it seems that this movie is just better. Heard some audiences scream as the train engine-long, humongous reptile came out from the waters all of sudden, grabbed its victim from the shore and dissapears back inside the watery grave. Seriously, the final part is darn good. Stuck inside somewhere narrow then get the jaws almost reaching the person sounds typical, but watch the movie for this part. It's just terrifying. >.<Had Korean dishes with my friends, and since the place is non-halal, I ordered seafood kimchi noodles instead. Last night was darn funny since my friend drove me back home with both of us blur on the road, getting into wrong lanes. We laughed at our own stupidity. Haha! XDOkay, for today, I'm still having headache and flu. Been like in the state of fever for 2 weeks I guess. It's irritating when my head feels heavy and pulsing when I duck. @_@ Guess the haze is the cause of all those.
Friday, August 08, 2008
Long time no post // Random
Emotion/s: Bored, normal, sick...
Current Song: Final Toccata by
Michiru Yamane (Castlevania SotN)Been a long time since my last post. Honestly, nothing big is going on. Just same old stuffs. Having fever recently, and these days I've been sick. Blame it to the forest fires in Selangor and Sumatra. =.="Yesterday's been meeting with my fellow ex-classmates from college and lecturer. Good things are; First, the convocation will be held this November. Secondly, all fees are settled. Means that our war against the dreadful college system is over. The bad thing is I need to resit for maths exam. SHIT!